
If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, please click the ‘Participate’ button at the bottom of the page to begin the enrollment process. General information about the disorder is outlined below.

Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by exhibiting two (or more) of the following symptoms within a 1-month period:

  1. Delusions: a belief firmly held despite clear evidence against it or a lack of evidence to support it. Beliefs of this kind tend to be outlandish and/or bizarre.
  2. Hallucinations: perceptions experienced without having been elicited by external stimuli.
  3. Disorganized Thinking: speech that is difficult to make out and/or an abrupt and random change of topics. 
  4. Compromised Motor Function: bodily behavior that deviates from the person’s norm. This symptom may manifest itself in many ways, especially as childlike behavior or impassivity.
  5. Negative Symptoms: a marked decrease in self-initiated, purposeful behavior and a diminished expression of emotions.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia typically emerge between one’s late teens and mid-30’s, though the most common age for females is the late-20’s and early- to mid-20’s for males. There are differences that distinguish the sexes in how and when they manifest symptoms of Schizophrenia. Incidents of schizophrenia tend to be lower amongst females.

In addition to the main symptoms of schizophrenia, secondary symptoms may be experienced, such as emotional reactions inappropriate to the stimulus, a lack of interest in eating, and a lack of awareness of the disorder.

 Disclaimer: Do not use this as a guideline to diagnose yourself. These are only the most common symptoms of this disorder as detailed by the DSM-V; there may be others that are not included here. If you believe to be suffering from this or any other illness or disorder, please consult a physician.


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